
About Imagination Creates

At Imagination Creates Gary Jackman (Gjack) share the teachings of Neville Goddard, gives away recordings and other goodies (to his email list) and give away a growing Neville Goddard Lecture Database FREE (as he reads them) , because he know how powerfully these teachings can change lives – lives just like yours.

Up until 2013, Gary worked in as a software test engineer (SDET) for 14 years. Gary has a genetic disorder called Albinism (https://www.albinism.org/information-bulletin-what-is-albinism/) which includes poor sight, which was frustrating for him at work because he needs to get close to his monitor to see it. Any type of work or learning took a long time and for many years 15 hour days working was normal and to quote his mom.. “all work and not play will make Gary in to a dull boy”..

In November 2013 while working with a fitness coach, Gary was asked to write his goals. Rather than writing his goals he wrote an obituary. A few weeks later he had a meeting with his manager to discuss his future with the company. He had two options. Improve his work performance or quit..

He quit with the idea he was going to peruse other passions such as Real estate investment and life coaching. Neither really went as well as he had hoped.

While struggling with depression and playing with “The Law of Attraction” hoping that he will be able to find a life free of depression, he started to listen to few Neville lectures (freeneville.com) and Nepolien Hill.

For about a year of studying Neville only he discovered that he – what he was imagining – was the cause of all his suffering and all the traditional Law of Attraction stuff was icing on a terd.

Neville did not teach The Law of Attraction he taught the Law of Assumption.

When Gary started studying the Neville Goddard Lectures, he was completely blown away.  Reading the words of a man who unlocked the keys to the universe.  Not only could Neville manifest almost anything, he understood WHY we were able to do that.

With this realization Gary knew that taking control of his imagination and become a new man again, and create a new reality for himself was the option. He knew that required that he learn everything he could about running his own mind, and that is what brought him to Neville Goddard and imaginationcreates.com.